GCPC EPISODE 401 – Updates On OpenCaching NA with DudleyGrunt
Sponsored by: Cache-Advance.com
Streamed live on May 6, 2015
In tonight’s episode of the Geocaching Podcast:
Special Guest Host Dave Self aka DudleyGrunt tells us what is going on with OpenCaching North America and other geocaching endevours.
Be sure to check it out!
We meet on Wednesday nights at 9:30PM ET at http://www.geocachingpodcast.com/live so you can see us record the show live and join in the chat room. See you there!
The Video Version of our Podcast
Show Notes Episode 401
SPECIAL GUEST HOST: DudleyGrunt, otherwise known as Dave Self
A Notice From Geocaching.com HQ
Over the next few months, we’ll all be going on a geocaching journey to celebrate 15 years of geocaching. You’ll have the opportunity to complete five geocaching quests, each of which will earn you a special souvenir for your geocaching profile. Complete all five and you’ll earn a sixth, extra special souvenir.
After each quest begins, you’ll be able to complete it and earn your souvenir until September 2, 2015. So pack your bag, load up on snacks and set your road trip playlist, because here are your quests and their start dates:
June 19 – Sept 2: Find a geocache with 10 or more Favorite Points
July 3 – Sept 2: Attend an Event, Mega-Event or Giga-Event
July 17 – Sept 2: Find a T5 or D5 geocache
July 31 – Sept 2: Find an EarthCache or attend a CITO
August 14 – Sept 2: Find a Mystery Cache
From DudleyGrunt
For show notes:
OCNA – www.opencaching.us
Blog – http://blog.opencaching.us/%3Fp%3D1970
TerraCaching – www.terracaching.com
2015 Walk to Defeat ALS Cyber Cache – http://www.terracaching.com/Cache/
Walk to Defeat ALS – Ben’s Buddies – http://www.tinyurl.com/bensbuddies2015
St Baldrick’s 2015 Cyber Cache – http://www.terracaching.com/Cache/CC95SY
Team OConnells Fundraising Page – https://www.stbaldricks.org/teams/TeamOConnellz2015
Geocachers Unlimed FB – https://www.facebook.com/groups/gc.unlimited/
Geocachers Unlimted G+ – https://plus.google.com/b/105486200034964642815/105486200034964642815/about
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