GCPC EPISODE 454 – Geocaching Nostalgia
June 1, 2016
In tonight’s episode of the Geocaching Podcast:
Host Scott Berks and Headhardhat go back in geocaching time to talk about the older days of geocaching. Check out some of their old geocaching stand by tools and processes. This should be a fun and interesting recollection.
Be sure to check it out! Please share with other geocachers.
We meet on Wednesday nights at 9:30PM ET at http://www.geocachingpodcast.com/live so you can see us record the show live and join in the chat room. See you there!
#geocaching #geocachingpodcast #headhardhat #podcast
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Hi my name is Lisa geocaching name is Fernweh* .
I’m the secretary for the west oz geocaching committee. We have all been feverishly getting set up for the WA event GC5YAGP- WA Goes BIG in 2016.
I Was hoping you guys might like to perhaps mention it on your show and give it a bit of a plug. Here is a link to our website http://www.westozgeocaching.net.au/ any information can be found here. or on the listing
hope you can help us out.
sincerely Lisa
Extra *NOTE – June 11,2016 is Get Outdoors Day – Find any geocache or attend any event.
Garmin Nuvi – 200
Garmin Etrex Legend
Garmin 60 Csx
Delorme PN40
Magellan Explorist 610
Loading your Palm, Nuvi and Garmin 60Csx taking a couple of hours to get what you wanted.
Printing out reams of paper to go find 20 geocaches
Gsak macros
GeoSnippits Tutorial: Moving Digital Photos From Your Camera to Your Computer
GeoSnippits Tutorial: The Concept of Paperless Geocaching
Intro to Pocket Queries
Load into Gsak
Using Active Sync to CacheMate on Palm Pilot
Loading Waypoints from Easy GPS to Garmin Etrex (importing)
Intro to Electronic Bread Crumbs and GPS Tracking
Garmin 60csx
Garmin 400
Paid app beginnings
Paper caching
The first few months feels
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