
GCPC EPISODE 508 – Geocaching Events Recap



August 23rd, 2017

In tonight’s episode of the Geocaching Podcast:
We almost didn’t have the show tonight due to a power failure in the area due to some severe thunderstorms blowing through. Fortunately the electric company is on the ball and we gained our power back with a few minutes to spare. Come join us as Scott Berks and Taz427 recall their adventures at some very nice geocaching events.

Be sure to check it out! Please share with other geocachers.

We meet on Wednesday nights at 9:30PM ET at http://www.geocachingpodcast.com/live so you can see us record the show live and join in the chat room. See you there!

#geocaching #geocachingpodcast #headhardhat #podcast

The Video Version of our Podcast

GCPC EPISODE 508 Show Notes

Scott Berks: Recap of West Bend Cache Bash 2017

TAZ: Recap of his trip to Washington


Magic the Gathering Trackable

Win a Magic: The Gathering Trackable and explore IXALAN!

Magic: The Gathering is the first, and most popular trading card game of all time. To celebrate the release of a new card set, they’ve teamed up with geocaching to release thousands of trackables to geocachers and fans all over the world!

Magic fans and geocachers are invited to explore the newest plane of the Magic Multiverse, IXALAN! On your journey, discover dangerous dinosaurs and plundering pirates as you seek out caches around the globe. Take a Magic: The Gathering, IXALAN Treasure Piece trackable with you from cache to cache to reveal hidden secrets (and maybe some card previews). Share your latest find on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using the hashtags #MTGGeocachers and #MTGXLN.

Enter to win a free trackable: Geocaching.com/Magic.


GCPC Mailbag…Send your geocaching email to:


Hello all, and especially to Sarah, our local host!

I am just listening to your recent D/T rating discussion and have a few questions. If as a CO I’m getting a bit of log feedback that perhaps my rating is a touch low, at what point should I consider a change? Also, if I do change the rating, is that retroactive? (Do the stats change for people who’ve already found it?)

Thank you for your time. I’ve only been a listener for about a month, but I’m really enjoying the show!

Jacqueline (3Prettys)

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