
GCPC EPISODE 521 – Holiday Recap and New Year Goals



January 03, 2018

In tonight’s episode of the Geocaching Podcast:
Let old acquaintance be forgot and new acquaintance be remade. It’s our holiday end of year geocaching discussion.

Be sure to check it out! Please share with other geocachers.

We meet on Wednesday nights at 9:30PM ET at http://www.geocachingpodcast.com/live so you can see us record the show live and join in the chat room. See you there!

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The Video Version of our Podcast

GCPC EPISODE 521 Show Notes

GCPC EPISODE 521 – Holiday Recap and New Year Goals

How was your holiday? Any geocaching?

End of the Year Gripes 2017 – Anything you want to get off your chest…

Goals for 2018


No news this week.


GCPC Mailbag…Send your geocaching email to:


I am a relatively new listener to GCPC. I started listening about the same time as Sarah started hosting. A visit to New Zealand is one of my dreams and meeting her is person would be icing on the cake if I ever get a chance to fulfill that dream. I don’t get a chance to listen to the live taping because of other obligations I have on Wed. evening, but watching to the YouTube video on Thursday morning is something I look forward to every week.

In show 520 there was a lot of discussion about food. I especially enjoyed the part about British cuisine. It brought back lots of memories of the 18 months I spent in Scotland and England. The two foods I really fell in love with and miss are fish and chips, and English tea. What we have here in the U.S. that is supposed to be British fish and chips and tea just isn’t the same. Kind of like going to Taco Bell for Mexican food. Unfortunately I somehow missed trying mushy peas. I did however try haggis as I was in Scotland most of the time and it is sold in the same shops that sell fish and chips. Not my favorite, especially after I found out what it is made from.

Love the show and especially the informal style. Hope to see you at GeoWoodstock. I’ll be there as I live just across the river. Can’t miss the first U.S. Giga!

Yay Scott’s got mail! So I didn’t get a chance to go geocaching on Christmas due to family commitments and having cashed out my area, but I started a new tradition this year playing another location-based game while en route from one destination to another…. Almost equally as fun…

Are you ready for it? Wait for it…


*Ding ding*

Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, and happy holidays to the gcpc crew!

Dave (dsvmusic)

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