GCPC EPISODE 411 – Creative Geocache Suggestions
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Streamed live on Jul 29, 2015
In this episode of the Geocaching Podcast:
The gang talk about their best suggestions for making creative geocaches. Not gadget caches per say but creative geocaches. Find out the difference and gain some great insights.
Be sure to check it out!
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The Video Version of our Podcast
Show Notes Episode 411
From Dave Self aka Dudley Grunt
OCNA 5th Anniversary Contest
To celebrate the 5th anniversary OpenCaching North America (www.opencaching.us) on August 18th and the month of International Geocaching Day on August15th, we will be running a contest for the entire month of August, which encourages people to find and hide caches on there site.
Tons of prizes to be given away
Read more about it on the OCNA Blog at http://blog.opencaching.us/%3Fp%3D2111.
GCPC EPISODE 411 – Creative Geocache Suggestions
Create wonder – The art of a geocache creator is to create wonder
Proper geocache placement – hidden or in plain sight
Bring a smile to someone’s face
Misdirection can be a good thing – don’t just always show the answer.
Getting the log out can be as much fun as finding the geocache itself
Pinterest for ideas – hornets nest geocache, log cache, etc.
Puzzle caches. Creative puzzle caches. The container can be simple, but exactly HOW you get to it can be completely creative. (ex: http://coord.info/GC30A2Q)
Gadget caches!! Make it a challenge to open.
Nostalgic cache containers. Check out yard sales for ideas.
Historic enrichment. If the area has a history, bring it out in the cache and on the page.
Go big or go home! If you have the room, why place a nano when you can place a fridge!?
Make it yours! Everyone has their own individuality. Let yours shine through your hides. Locals will get a feel for your style, camo, humor, and creativity.
Hidden in a mass of objects – One lock on a fence w/ hundreds has the hidden cache (use something that identifies it when they look at the bottom)
I’ll second hidden in plain sight – A flat magnetic sheet w/ Numbers on it and write in the rain log sheet on the side that you put on that utility box. A fake fence sign can be fun.
Tube caches – the trick is figuring out how to make them work – Magnetic, Water, String, Pulley, Kinetic Energy, Motorized, …
Climbing caches are fun – Trees, Hills, Bridge Girders (not on freeways please)
LPC Twists – If you’re going to do an LPC do it in style – Magnetic 10’ up the Lamp Post is a fan favorite, so is velcroed up inside the skirt.
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