
GCPC EPISODE 425 – 20 Things I Learned From Geocaching


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Streamed live on Nov 4, 2015

In tonight’s episode of the Geocaching Podcast:
The guys reflect on how geocachng has taught them many things in life. The good, the bad and the ugly. Should make for a fun round table of discussion.

Be sure to check it out! Please share with other geocachers.

We meet on Wednesday nights at 9:30PM ET at http://www.geocachingpodcast.com/live so you can see us record the show live and join in the chat room. See you there!
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The Video Version of our Podcast

Show Notes Episode 425

GCPC EPISODE 425 – 20 Things I Learned From Geocaching

Creativity is limited only by our imagination
My path in life is usually shown usually after I have reached my destination
There is so much to see that I never knew was there.
Always in life – Poke it with a stick!
We can have any number of geocaching friends and acquaintances all around the world – best network of people ever.

With life in general; Mark your damn car!
Most people really don’t pay attention to their surroundings
Walking around all day with wet feet is not healthy.
There is a big difference between “How Far” and “As the Crow Flies”
I should have been an archaeologist!

Recycle! Many things in life can be re-purposed.
The best travel advisor is only a pocket query away.
Skirt-lifting is not always frowned upon, but never silent.
As long as you know a geocacher, you have a friend.
I have had many hobbies in my life, but none give me more family fun for the buck.

If you stare at you GPSr/Phone while walking you will eventually trip and fall on you face if not worse.
Even in areas that you ‘know’ well, there’s more to know / see
The shortest distance between two points isn’t always a straight line (i.e. look around the bend before diving into the woods)
More about many subjects than I would ever have learned on my own through puzzle caches, earthcaches, wherigos, etc.
How it feels to act like a spy at a deaddrop.

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