GCPC EPISODE 472 – Geocacher Adam Schoenwald – Cloak.n.Dagger
October 26, 2016
In tonight’s episode of the Geocaching Podcast:
We have geocaching host hopeful number four Geocacher Adam Schoenwald – Cloak.n.Dagger. Find out all the cool things Adam and his family get into. Great discussion tonight and the main vote will be soon.
Be sure to check it out! Please share with other geocachers.
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GCPC EPISODE 472 – Geocacher Adam Schoenwald – Cloak.n.Dagger
Tell us about you as a person and as a geocacher.
Retired Combat Vet of 10 years, Husband to a retired Combat Medic of 15 years and Father to a kick butt Martial artist whom you all may have heard Miss Burgundy Rose, which I also Homeschool.
Very Active in the community being retired i have a lot of time on my hands so I set up geocaching events that promote forms of Cito, 101 classes, MnG’s and everything in between. I am a Creative Geocache owner of nearly 200 active geocaches and have hidden almost every geocache type available, I am also considered by many as the leader for geocaching in the NWA area of the state and as such have tremendous support from the geocaching community. I am extremely Proactive have a can do and “let’s try it” attitude towards life so the only limits I have are the ones I make.
So how did I get into Geocaching?
I heard about it off and on in youtube videos but never gave it much attention until I met my wife. She actually had nothing to do with geocaching and in fact knew less about it than I did, what’s so funny about it was I was introduced to it via a facebook conversation from her best friend that I have yet to meet in real life. So I really never had the first hand experience of having another geocacher introduce it to me in the field.
What is it like to geocache in your state?
Diverse and competitive is the best way to describe it. I have recently completed a challenge that required me to find all 75 counties of Arkansas and I can honestly say I have seen more of this state than most Natives. Arkansas is called “The Natural State” for all of it’s natural beauty, from the Ozark Highlands, the rice fields and river valleys, Arkansas provides anything and everything geocachers would like to look for…we may be landlocked, but we have scuba diving caches as well. In my “neck of the woods” I have helped foster a very competitive spirit to geocaching and forged many great friendships in the process.
What is your favorite things to do while geocaching?
At first it was simply to make the find, that grew like for most geocachers into learning about areas “in their own backyard” that they didn’t know exsisted, but as I have continued to explore and hide I started taking more of a leadership role early in my development in the community. Now I currently lead and participate in many groups and belong to committees in the States Geocaching Association known as ArkGeo as well as smaller more independent geocaching groups. My favorite thing is teaching others about geocaching, and to challenge the ones that have been doing it for a while to find new and fresh ways to hide geocaches. I hold monthly events to bring people together, keep people informed and introduce old faces with new ones. I have a geocaching facebook group where I hold monthly challenges in which people can win cool swag if they meet the challenge, and I work very close with the community and with the state to keep promoting the spirit of geocaching.
Geocaching topics you feel strongly about either pro or con?
I really feel strong about community development and taking care of our environment. I have been working close with the surrounding cities to adopt parks and trails under the Cloak.n.Dagger Geocaching Banner to perform Citos, tree growing programs and other beautification programs. Bringing Families together and getting the community out of the house and off the couch is something that hits very close to home for me.
There are very few things that bother me about geocaching, the most common and I think it rings true for most the the good cache owners is a “TFTC” log. I have gotten myself in some interesting situations because of my strong dislike of lack of logging and have had to temper myself and my thoughts about such. Another thing i really dislike is streaks. I think Scott can relate with me on this just a bit, but I just finished my 365/366 streak, and though I feel accomplished on that achievement, I have never felt geocaching to be work and at times unenjoyable before or after working on the streak. There is only one streak that I try and maintain now that that is my FTF monthly streak
Why I should be one of your Hosts:
That is such a great question, and as stated in the last episode every host is simply amazing, each one has something unique to offer and each and everyone would be great guest host as fill ins for TAZ’s eventual boot off the island. Honestly though, I feel that what I bring to the table is my zeal for geocaching, with only 2 a half years under my belt I have pushed what was a dying area of geocaching in my area to an area that is now being noticed as a destination spot, I am 100 percent retired so I have the time be a part of the team, I’m a little crazy which puts me as a shoe in for this team, but most of all I think that I would be a great host because I want to be a host, I want to contribute to the podcast and not just be a visiting guest. I am personable, friendly and love to talk. Geocaching isn’t just a hobby to pass time for me, it is actually a lifestyle for me and to my family. I try to give 110 percent in projects I pick up, becoming the 4th host I would carry that same attitude. I present myself as someone that wants to teach and lead others in the world of geocaching on a grander scale and I feel being a productive part of a great podcast can help achieve that. And if that isn’t enough I always make for great go to guy to pick any member of the team…to include myself lol
Anything else you would like to discuss:
This may be a good topic for another show but I am working with a very talented team of geocachers and we are trying very hard to develop our own annual Mega event getting an insiders scoop on how that is done would be so beneficial not only to me but also to others that may want to attempt this task.
I would love to learn more about how you guys have kept a show going for nearly 500 episodes, the drive and ambition, the material to keep going and going. But also why of all teams the cubs 😉 and what really did happen the Chris-moose?
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