GCPC EPISODE 497 – Geocaching Dashboard and Profile Update
May 17th, 2017
In tonight’s episode of the Geocaching Podcast:
The GCPC crew discuss the new additions and updates for the Geocaching.com website and app.
Be sure to check it out! Please share with other geocachers.
We meet on Wednesday nights at 9:30PM ET at http://www.geocachingpodcast.com/live so you can see us record the show live and join in the chat room. See you there!
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The Video Version of our Podcast
GCPC EPISODE 497 Show Notes
Make friends with the updated Profile and Dashboard
Core improvements to the Geocaching® app
Send us your emails!
Share your geocaching stories, adventures and milestones
Ask a Show Host A Question to see how they will respond.
From Al Van Dyke (unclecacher)
Just thought I’d share with you my favorite muggle story. Two of us were caching a series along a levy on the Ohio river that had a hike bike trail along the top. As we were hunting one of the containers, a man and woman (husband and wife?) came walking by.
The person I was caching with was brand new to caching, so he just continued searching as if they were not there (muggle unaware). As they approached the lady asked me what we were doing. Probably because I had stopped hunting when I noticed them approaching waiting for them to pass before continuing my search.
Before I could reply, the man said to her “Oh, they’re geocaching”. I would have liked to ask him if he was a cacher or, if not, how he knew about it. But they just kept walking right past me making it obvious they had no desire to stop and chat. That day I learned sometimes the best way to deal with muggles is to just ignore them and plunge ahead.
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