
GCPC EPISODE 501 – Issues With Geocaching Reviewers and More



June 21st, 2017

In tonight’s episode of the Geocaching Podcast:
the gang discuss the issue of possible consequences if you talk too boldly to geocaching.com and if you ever really should? Plus what type of issues geocachers have with Reviewers and more.

Be sure to check it out! Please share with other geocachers.

We meet on Wednesday nights at 9:30PM ET at http://www.geocachingpodcast.com/live so you can see us record the show live and join in the chat room. See you there!

#geocaching #geocachingpodcast #headhardhat #podcast

Be sure to check it out! Please share with other geocachers.

We meet on Wednesday nights at 9:30PM ET at http://www.geocachingpodcast.com/live so you can see us record the show live and join in the chat room. See you there!

#geocaching #geocachingpodcast #headhardhat #podcast

The Video Version of our Podcast

GCPC EPISODE 501 Show Notes

What does it take to become a reviewer:

Issues Geocachers Have With Reviewers
I the geocacher do not get what I want with my new attempt to hide a geocache
(instant conflict).

But geocacher XYZ was able to hide their geocache, why can’t I?
(differences in reviewer thinking, placements, interpretation of the guidelines, etc)

God Mode – Cuz I said So
Reviewers that dictate law because they can
Retort with facts (tons of facts) and not blatant flaming



Nothing this week


GCPC Mailbag…Send your geocaching email to:


I don’t think I started listening until 2008, but I do recall listening via TalkShoe. I swear I remember when Darryl joined, but that might have been my listening to the back catalog when catching up.

Congrats on 500!

Happy Trails!
Dave / DudleyGrunt

Hey guys (and gals), This is GeekBoy.from.Illinois. I’ve been geocaching since July 3rd, 2006. While listening to your show #500, I heard you ask how long we had been listening. I started listening to Xpunkx back around show #5-10. I would call into Talkshoe almost every week to participate, and when I was near a computer, I would be in the chatroom. Way back at some point in the past, before Montu Rider joined the team, I was a silent member of the crew. I would monitor the chats and add questions & comments to the show notes so that Andy & Darryl didn’t have to watch both all the time. I kept up doing that all the way up until they moved away from Talkshoe. At several points it was debated if I should become an active host, but initially, Andy & Darryl were both in EST and I was in CST, it wasn’t a great fit. Then after Scott Berks came along, he is just a stone’s throw away from me, so I left the opportunities to geocachers from different areas to get a better distribution. I will have to dig through my old iTunes library to see how far back I still have episodes saved, as for a long time, I wasn’t ever deleting them.

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