
GCPC EPISODE 509 – Cacher Coffee August 2017



August 30th, 2017

In tonight’s episode of the Geocaching Podcast:
The gang discusses a bevy of geocaching issues in this month’s cacher coffee.

Be sure to check it out! Please share with other geocachers.

We meet on Wednesday nights at 9:30PM ET at http://www.geocachingpodcast.com/live so you can see us record the show live and join in the chat room. See you there!

#geocaching #geocachingpodcast #headhardhat #podcast

The Video Version of our Podcast

GCPC EPISODE 509 Show Notes

HHH / TAZ: Reintroduction of Virtuals (Virtual Rewards)
Geocaching HQ has sent even more information. Here is the link.

Introducing Virtual Rewards!

SB: New (at least to me) calendar of events on the dashboard page. Updated the navs all together, page is looking much better.

Stupid things we’ve done caching (aka we’ve made the mistakes, so you don’t have to!)
If you weren’t ‘awarded’ a Virtual, where would you place it? – Fantasy caching here….


None here it is part of tonight’s show.. Stay tuned..


GCPC Mailbag…Send your geocaching email to:


Hi All,

Thanks for the informative and entertaining podcast which I’ve listened too for some time now. Since I owned two Challenge geocaches I have had to consider what to do about cheats who claim to qualify for these caches. This has led me to widen my thoughts what other forms “cheating” there are in our favourite game. So for the purpose of discussion only I have come up with the following:

Gordon comes up with a dozen excellent “Is it Cheating?” discussion points so we are going to use his email for next week’s show. Thanks to Gordon Goodall (Velosaurus) for the great idea.

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